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(704) 978-7060

1316 Davie Ave, Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561

What Exactly is Tooth Rot?

Posted on 3/10/2019 by Dr. Jon Packman
Tooth RotTooth rot sounds like some sort of horrible disease, doesn’t it? Rot is just a horrible word in general. And while tooth rot doesn’t sound like anything you can possibly get, the fact is, you can get it. Not sure what tooth rot is? Want to learn more about tooth rot? We have some information for you about tooth rot, and how you can prevent it from happening to you.

Tooth Rot

First, a little bit of a tooth anatomy lesson. You should know that your tooth is composed of enamel that covers a layer of dentin. The enamel is the part of your teeth you see, and the dentin lies right underneath it. The middle of the tooth is called the pulp.

When you aren’t brushing or flossing your teeth properly, you may allow acids to remain on your teeth. The acids get there from bacteria that is always present in your mouth. Acids gradually eat holes in your tooth enamel, which bacteria can then enter, and cause cavities. Cavities begin in your enamel. If they are caught early, they can be fixed with no damage to your tooth.

However, if they are allowed to remain, they can eventually get into the dentin, which is when you might feel pain. If you don’t get the tooth looked at, the cavity will continue to grow through the dentin and into the pulp- which is where the real rotting begins.

Once the pulp is involved, the tooth rots from the inside out. Eventually, your tooth will become infected, and will have to be removed. It could also fall out on its own. In other words, tooth rot is not something you ever want to get.

The good news is if you catch cavities early, they never progress to the tooth rot stage. If you have questions about your dental health, why not give us a call today? We would love to help you with your teeth!


(704) 978-7060


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CLOSED from 12:30p.m.–2p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.


Jon C. Packman DDS
1316 Davie Ave Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561
Jon C. Packman DDS | | (704) 978-7060
1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677
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