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(704) 978-7060

1316 Davie Ave, Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561

Dental Blog
Dentist Statesville, NC

Dr. Packman is providing this blog to enlighten his patients and the community.

At Jon C. Packman DDS our hope is this blog will cover any issues that you and your family may need. If you like an article or the dental blog in general please share it to Facebook or Twitter.

Do you want us to cover a particular topic? Then please contact us today at (704) 978-7060!

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Statesville, NC

Posted on 2/15/2109 by Dr. Jon Packman
You are moving along with your life, minding your own business, when all of the sudden, you bite down on a piece of food- and your mouth hurts. If you have never been in pain before, it can be a little disconcerting, especially when it is your mouth that’s hurting. Have questions why your teeth might be hurting when you bite down? We have some ideas on what could be causing your pain. Why Biting Down Hurts There are three primary reasons why your teeth might hurt when you bite down. First, if you have a sharp pain in one area of your mouth when you bite down, you may have a problem with one tooth. The tooth could have a cavity. You could also have a loose filling. The tooth could also be cracked or broken. All of these problems would cause pain when you bite down, especially...

Statesville, NC

Posted on 4/30/2020 by Dr. Jon Packman
There is nothing wrong with traveling to see the world. It can provide you with experiences that you will always remember. There are some people that travel for a different reason. They head out to get help with their oral health issues. This practice is known as dental tourism. While it is possible to come up with reasons to do this, it is not always the best idea. There are several things that come from dental tourism that are not worth whatever you get from it. Watch Out for the Cons One of the biggest reasons a person turns to dental tourism is to save money. They find a dentist offering the work they need at a much lower price than they would get from their regular dentist. Even adding in the cost of travel, they figure they will still save money. They are relying on the...

Statesville, NC

Posted on 4/15/2020 by Dr. Jon Packman
Most people don't realize that a cavity starts far before you see it on an x-ray or even notice that black spot between two teeth. They begin over time as sugar and other food are broken down in the mouth by saliva and deposited against the tooth. Due to poor brushing, flossing, or a hard to reach crevices in your teeth, the bacteria piles up. How Does Tooth Decay Begin? The beginning of tooth decay starts when the amount of sugar and acids surrounding your tooth enamel is greater than the saliva is available to wash it away. Bacteria and sugars are playing tug of war with saliva and fluoride. Sugar and bacteria attach to the exterior of the tooth and form plaque. The plaque works its way through the enamel to the tooth's porous exterior. This can be seen beginning as a...

Statesville, NC

Posted on 3/30/2020 by Dr. Jon Packman
Three names all refer to the infection or illness located in the corners of your mouth. They are Angular Cheilitis, Angular Stomatitis, Cheilosis, and Perleche. We will refer to it as Cheilitis. They all refer to the swelling, redness, cracking and sometimes bleeding, located in the corner of your mouth. There are times people only break out on one side of the mouth, misdiagnosing it for as a cold sore. If you believe you are suffering from cheilitis, it is difficult to treat on your own. Our office is here for consultation to diagnose the problem.  What is the Cause of Cheilitis? Many different reasons cause cheilitis. The most common is an infection caused by yeast. You build up saliva in the corners of your mouth, the yeast starts growing and each time the lips are...

Statesville, NC

Posted on 3/15/2020 by Dr. Jon Packman
It's easy to notice if someone else has bad breath. It's caused by several things. The food we eat, poor dental hygiene, dehydration, coffee breath, or tooth decay or gum disease. Bad breath isn't always due to diseases. When someone has bad breath, it's considered Halitosis.  Ways to Tell If I Have Halitosis and Don't Notice Our mouth is connected to our sense of smell through an opening behind the palate, this serves as a door to our sense of smell. Because odors in your mouth increase slowly over time, your sense of smell does not send up a red flag. Those around you smell it, but you don't. Do the wrist test. Lick your wrist with your tongue and wait about 10 seconds, then smell your wrist. That checks the front of your tongue. Do the spoon test....

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Statesville, NC
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Statesville, NC
Statesville, NC
Why the Corners of the Mouth Often Crack
Why Do People Need to Brush Their Tongues?
What Are Cavities When You Break Them Down Into Simple Terms
Ways of Protecting Your Dental Crowns from Wear and Tear
Are There Dangers to Root Canals?
You Need to Fix Imperfect Teeth for More Reasons Than to Avoid Pain
Write Down Questions to Ask Before We See You Next
Why You Should Buy Yourself a Water Flosser
Why Does a Broken Tooth Only Hurt Some of the Time?
Why Do We Use Suction Tools to Clean Your Teeth?
Why Do the Teeth of Vegans Tend to Have More Dental Issues Over Those Who Eat Meat?
Why Do Taste Buds Swell?
What to Do if The Corners of Your Mouth Are Constantly Cracked
What Must be Done to Care for Dead Teeth?
What is the Film That Builds Up in Your Mouth?
What is Molar Uprighting and Who Typically Needs It?
What Is It About Cola That Does So Much Damage to Your Teeth?
What is Dental Attrition?
What Causes Lumps on Your Gums?
What Can Lead to Severe Mouth Pain?
Ways of Protecting Your Oral Health When Traveling
What Exactly is Tooth Rot?
Treating Dry Socket At Home
What Exactly Is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?
Times Where Air Abrasion Is Your Best Bet
The Real Dangers of Plaque
What Do Your Premolars Actually Do?
Should You Chew Plaque Disclosing Tablets to See How Clean Your Mouth Really Is?


(704) 978-7060


Monday–Wednesday: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
CLOSED from 12:30p.m.–2p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.


Jon C. Packman DDS
1316 Davie Ave Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561
Jon C. Packman DDS | | (704) 978-7060
1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677
Copyright © 2017-2025 Jon C. Packman DDS and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Dental Blog | Dentist Statesville, NC | Jon C. Packman DDS
At Jon C. Packman DDS, our hope is this dental blog will cover any issues you and your family may need assistance with. Learn more about dental implants and dental procedures here!
Jon C. Packman DDS, 1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677; (704) 978-7060;; 2/18/2025; Page Phrases: dentist Statesville NC;