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(704) 978-7060

1316 Davie Ave, Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561

Placing Dental Crowns
Statesville, NC

Image of a dental crown at Jon C. Packman DDS in Statesville, NC. It is normal for your natural teeth to get damaged over time, either due to tooth decay, injuries, or just use over time. This results in the loss of tooth shape and size. Dental crowns are placed over damaged teeth to cover these cosmetic and functional defects.

Your dentist may prescribe dental crowns for several reasons, including
•  Repairing a broken tooth
•  Supporting a tooth when there isn’t much tooth remaining
•  Providing support to a dental bridge
•  Using dental implant to open plastic packaging or bottles
•  Concealing a dental implant
•  Covering a tooth that has been treated with a root canal

Types of Dental Crowns

If you are considering dental crowns for your teeth and you don’t know which type of material for the crown is best for you, we will help you learn the differences so you can make an informed decision.

Metal Crown

These dental crowns are made from metals such as nickel, chromium, palladium, and even gold. Metal crowns are extremely durable and rarely break; when they do break it is usually due to injuries. Moreover, they only require a small amount of tooth to be removed. More importantly, metal crowns are durable enough to withstand extreme biting and chewing forces.

The only drawback is their metallic color which is easy to spot. Metal crowns are usually placed at the farthest end of the mouth on the molar teeth. This is also where the greatest amount of chewing forces are exerted by the mouth, making it sensible to install metal crowns.

Porcelain Fused to Metal

Porcelain fused to metal crowns are used to give the patient a more natural tooth color. They are developed with a metal alloy interior and a porcelain exterior. This gives them excellent mechanical properties while also being biocompatible.

However, it is possible for the metal parts of the crown to become visible, causing an unsightly appearance that may be of concern to patients. This mostly occurs when the gumline moves and recedes over time, gradually exposing the metal in older dental crowns.

All Ceramic Crowns

All ceramic crowns are the most popular choice for patients who want a more natural appearance. The only tradeoff is that they don’t contain any metal for durability, and patients will have to be careful when applying chewing forces. All ceramic crowns are an excellent choice if you have certain metal allergies.

Another disadvantage is that they may wear down the teeth opposite them in the mouth. This can be minimized if the procedure is performed by skilled dentists such as Dr. Packman and . For the most part, all ceramic crowns are an excellent choice for the front teeth where the chewing forces are not as strong.

Benefits of Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are biocompatible with the mouth, making them healthier for the gum tissue. Another advantage of ceramic material is that it allows the gums to grow around its edges, creating a more natural look.

In most cases, ceramic crowns do an excellent job of holding cracked and damaged teeth together while also improving the appearance of the teeth.

Thanks to advancements in dental technology, you can now receive same day crowns at Jon C. Packman DDS. Call now at (704) 978-7060 to book an appointment and learn more.


(704) 978-7060


Monday–Wednesday: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
CLOSED from 12:30p.m.–2p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.


Jon C. Packman DDS
1316 Davie Ave Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561
Jon C. Packman DDS | | (704) 978-7060
1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677
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Jon C. Packman DDS, 1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677 • (704) 978-7060 • • 1/26/2025 • Page Terms:dentist Statesville NC •